
Essentials to understand your industry better and become a ‘Veteran Novice’

The term business encompasses everything- failures, success, hard work, opportunities and the list goes on. Every entrepreneur has their share of experiences to add to the journey and no matter how anyone describes it; the essence remains the same for all.

Either you are a Veteran in the field or a complete Novice or struggling somewhere in between. The main agenda for all at all ages and stages is to achieve satisfaction and growth.  Here are some key pointers for entrepreneurs of all phases to take the best out of each phase and move towards a balanced entrepreneurship journey.

  1. Be the “END-ALL” for the customers: An entrepreneur should be an educator and an advocate for their customers. Communication helps in keeping the customers aware of what the product is, hence making use of tools that enhance their prospects.
  2. Take risks and keep the idea journal: An entrepreneur should never be afraid of taking risks and be strong enough to realise that some might be blunders while others shine. An entrepreneur must prepare an IDEA JOURNAL and keep writing IDEAS that crop up anytime, as you never know what may just be the BIG IDEA one day!
  3. Never go out of sight, keep taking actions: An entrepreneur must always keep taking actions and never stop innovating. Remember the rule- out of sight is out of mind and this shouldn’t happen with the customers. It is extremely important to be in the eyes of the customers and keep doing activities that helps to sustain the product and brand image.
  4. Be open to advice and build an effective TEAM: Strengths and weaknesses decide how the journey of an entrepreneur will be in the industry. A lot of established and successful businessmen have applied two Golden Rules; one, to be open to all advices (good or bad) and second, build a team that takes pride in being part of the venture.

Attitude towards work will decide the success story of an entrepreneur. Believing and just going forward is what one needs to do and become a “VETERAN NOVICE.”

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