Discussion on Mental Health and Launch of ASCENT MHI study

Entrepreneurial Well-being – A study by ASCENT Foundation and Mariwala Health Initiative

Mental health and well-being are a critical challenge that has come under the spotlight with a number of organisations realising its value. The question of prime importance today is about the pressure building on the leaders of organisations. The ASCENT and Mariwala Health Initiative Study on Entrepreneurial Well-being is a clear indication that entrepreneurs need specific, relevant and flexible mental well-being support. The study was released at the ASCENT Conclave on Thursday, 21 November 2019 in Mumbai which had entrepreneurs witnessing the start of this much required conversation around mental health and well-being.

Key Findings of the Report:

  1. The top three stress points for entrepreneurs are managing and monitoring finances, workforce management and persistent fear of failure
  2. At least half of the respondents said that they experienced anxiety, confusion, irritability and frustration
  3. Entrepreneurs are more likely to use personal coping strategies (walking, running, unplugging) or join entrepreneurial peer groups such as ASCENT to manage their stress and maintain their mental health rather than to access professional help